Swish Atlanta Fundraising Program
Our fundraising option continues to grow with more schools and recreation programs scheduling events with Swish Atlanta. Even if your organization does not have the facility to host an event, there is still a way for you to take advantage of this incredible opportunity.
We will come to you and conduct the Pitino/Hurly/Jarvis endorsed Pro Shot Shooting Skills Development training. Not only will you be providing a great service to your community, you'll have an opportunity to raise substantial funds for your organization.
Terms will be based on factors such as travel time, distance, gym costs, and hotel if necessary. Call or email us today for more details: bformella@swishatlanta.com - (770) 995-0198.
Pro Shot System
The Pro Shot System is an advanced shooting program based on biomechanics and focusing. The system is currently being used by thousands of NBA, WNBA, collegiate, high school and AAU players, and hundreds of NCAA, high school and AAU teams across the United States. Download our general Pro Shot Flier and see what some of basketball's greatest minds have to say about the system.
The Pro Shot Shooting System really does work. Players and teams that have the discipline necessary to follow the program will experience great success.
Just ask Houston's Lutheran South High varsity boys how it is they shot 44% from 3 point range as a team:
"The Pro Shot System works and we stay on them the entire year. If they don't shoot the way we want, they don't play. It's funny, but many coaches compromise. If their players don't defend their way, they don't play. If they don't run the offense the right way coaches don't play that player. But with shooting, there is usually no punishment if you shoot the wrong way. We are different and that's why our kids shoot so well."
- Coach Dusty Holbrook